Thakgoga projects cc. (Reg.No: CK 2001/034948/23)
Thakgoga projects cc is an ABE firm, which was established in April 2001 to carry out business in the general construction, construction, Construction Management and other related fields, aimed at creating infrastructure to the rainbow nation (South Africa).The establishment of Thakgoga Projects in response to the high unemployment rate in South Africa and in response to the Government’s effort to an environment for the previously disadvantaged group to participate meaningfully in the mainstream economy. It is on this basis that a young African Construction Manager with high ethical and professional standards came to bring an insight and appropriate solution to the construction fields
Mission Statement
To serve as an indigenous firm of contractors, Construction Managers, and Properly Developers / Managers aimed at optimizing the economic growth by providing professional service to our clients.We will satisfy our mission through.
The provision of excellent services to all our clients in terms of quality, time and cost.
The encouragement of a climate of continual improvement within communicates and contractors.
Making contribution to the BEE though project implementation, Capacity building and stake holders development.
Continue the search for ways and resources that will enable us to continuously imrove our prouct and services in a way that makes us an internationally competitive factor in construction and related industry.
Promote transparent and participate labour relations policy where in skill sharing and development are accessible to all employees: with specific reference to meet equity criteria in terms of race nd gender balance and where possible accommodation of differently able people.
Black Economic Empowerment Commitment
Thakgoga Projects cc. has planned to provide empowerment opportunities through effective of BEE principles, which include the following.-
Previously marginalized members currently comprise 100% shareholding and profit.
The labour force will be sourced from the relevant local community, and were possible joint venture agreement with previously marginalized communities, structures and companies.
Community involvement and coordination with community leaders from start to finish of project.